
Agreement UART - TK - MK

On Wednesday, March 30, 2022, in the framework of the implementation of the "Pact with the University" at the University of Arts, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Faculty of Performing Arts, the National Experimental Theater "Kujtim Spahivogli" and the Ministry of Culture.

The object of this agreement is the establishment of closer and more intensive cooperation relations within the "Pact with the University" between the National Experimental Theater "Kujtim Spahivogli" and the Faculty of Performing Arts at the University of Arts, considering these institutions partners in the development of scenic art culture.

The agreement was signed by the Minister of Culture, Mrs. Elva Margariti, Rector of the University of Arts, Prof. Kastriot Çaushi, Dean of the Faculty of Performing Arts, Prof. Petrit Malaj and the Director of the National Experimental Theater "Kujtim Spahivogli", Mr. Altin Basha.

After the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement, the Minister of Culture, Mrs. Elva Margariti accompanied by the Rector of the University of Arts, Prof. Kastriot Çaushi, visited the personal exhibition of the professor of this university, Prof. Asoc. Orion Shima entitled "THIS FALL", which is currently open at the FAB Gallery of the University of Arts.

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